Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

How is my phone (samsung s3) getting pics from my pc?

Q. I was looking at pics in my phone and noticed that there was pics that are only on my laptop in its own folder names " owner-PC" with all my pics from my comp. over 8000 pics. I have no idea how this is happening or why. I have never connected my phone to my comp either. I use WIFI on both comp and phone. Can anyone tell me how this happens?

A. It could be that you have it on the cloud (I believe Android has this, I know Apple does) which means its automatically pulling them from all other things hooked onto the same cloud account. If you don't have one (which is completely possible, seeing as how you have to set up the cloud) try going through your settings. If it is only pictures doing it then check the image settings, but if Music and other things are syncing to it as well try to look through the other settings.

What Mobile Phone would you reccomend for me?
Q. I want it with WIFI, qwerty keyboard and touch, possibly not too expensive

A. One word ANDROID. Anyone who says don't go android is insane. Also seeing on how you want a cheep phone. Androids are less expensive, the most phones and the come in a verity of QWERTY and touch screen. Not only that some even have overlays which allow ultimate social networking. Like Motoblur, HTC sense, or Timescape of Sony.

Not only that it has tons of apps approx 8000 being added every month and 80% of the apps are free of charge rather then Apple where only 40% are free.

These phones also have better possessors and come in more of a Verity of phones, where blackberry and iphone are, well they are just blackberry and iphone they don't change that often.

ok so ill give u a cheep phone on every carrier, cuz you never said which one you are on
AT&T- Moto BACKFLIP----- Verizon- Moto Devour ------Sprint- Samsung Intercept-------- T Mobile- Moto Cliq. My favorites would be Moto Droid and droid 2 on verizon the are more price but o so worth it :) anyways hope i helped Oh and all the moto phones i said have MOTOBLUR. the droids dont tho sadly :(

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