Minggu, 01 September 2013

What kind of Android phone uses SIM cards?

Q. I am planning to buy a Android phone in Canada, and so im wondering which droid phone would be the best to use for international travel, OR for China? Any specific carriers? Does Roger have any?
Thankyouu (:

A. I went to Hong Kong, China last November for an assignment for 2 months. What I did, I bought a Sony Ericson Xperia online, open line and bought a SIM when I arrived in Hong Kong. Their carrier charge differently for international calls so you need to choose the right one. I can also send emails using my phone if it is connected to the Wi-fi and it is free. Let me share to you the site where I got my phone in case you want to check it.

If i'm using Wifi on my android, does downloading apps take up my monthly mb?
Q. I've got 500mb a month with my new android phone (Xperia 10) and I was just wondering if I download an app when I'm on a Wi Fi connection, will it take up my 500mb?

A. No it should not take up your data. Too make sure your on wifi, not 3g look at your notification bar on top. It will only show one or the other, so if it shows wifi then you will be using wifi, not your data. Hope this helps.

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