Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

is there a way to replace the standard messaging app on android with Go SMS Pro?

Q. I recently downloaded Go SMS Pro on my android phone, and I was wondering if there's a way to replace the messaging app on the home screen (that envelope icon), so it automatically goes to Go SMS Pro. Thanks in advance!
I have already disabled notifications from the default messenger, i just want to know how to replace the standard messaging app with Go SMS Pro.

A. Remove the default one from your home screen by pressing and holding it, a trash can should come up somewhere, drag it to the trash.

To put Go SMS on the home screen open the app drawer and press and hold the Go SMS icon, the drawer should go away and you can drop it on the home screen.

Hope this works, it's been a while since I've used the default home screen. I've been using the Go Launcher home screen replacement, and Go SMS Pro, for a while now.

When did Nook tablet start offering the google play store to download android apps?
Q. I got a new Nook Tablet from my Aunt and Unlce last Christmas. I used it for awhile, and all of a sudden, one day, I turn my Nook Tablet on, and the google play store was there, just like my old Android phone, where I could than download the same apps and games and stuff. When did Nook Tablet get the google play store? What was the date? I had no idea, until randomly it was on my home screen, because I had stopped using the Nook for awhile, and now I have been using it all the time.

A. It happened in early May of 2013.

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