Senin, 16 Desember 2013

How can I transfer an iTunes app to my Android phone?

Q. i want to transfer soundhound i know both app stores have it but the android phones use a .apk filing. i just dont want to pay for it again is there a way to let soundhound know ive paid for it already just on my itunes account i mean my itunes and my android are both on my gmail account?
-.- truck it just went to 4shared

A. Download SoundHound v5.0.2 latest version from

Why are my contacts info and profile pic on my phone not the same as on Facebook?
Q. I have a Motoroal (Android) phone. When I go into my contacts, their info is not updated with what is currently on their Facebook page. Judging by some of the updates they made it quit working correctly around December 12, 2012.

A. Sync the contacts from Facebook to your phone. That will do.

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