Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

is there a app for android smart phones that allows you to share a full screen shot photo?

Q. One of the downsides about androids is that you can't crop a whole image ! There are some apps i noticed maybe 1 or two that allow you to do so but how the heck do you share those photos once they are cropped the way you like them to instagram, twitter, facebook or whatever?

A. umm... 1) you CAN crop a whole images on Android.... from 1.5MP to 12MP.... the app you want is called "PicsArt"... if you want to do it from the camera itself, get "Camera ZOOM FX"... I do BOTH on a daily basis. if you wanna SHARE... click SHARE in both apps... FB twitter instagram etc etc etc etc will be listed... choose your fancy.... click ok... walla ... issue resolved...



What are some features or other characteristics you want in a touch screen cell phone?
Q. Things like thinness, gps, battery life, etc. Things you want in the "perfect" touch screen phone.

A. I want a CAPACITIVE touch screen. I want it to have decent battery life, and I want a REAL GPS in it. I also would like a 5mp camera with decent optics and control software. Ideally it would be based off of Android, Symbian, or proprietary OS.

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