Minggu, 22 Desember 2013

When will they have graal online classic on android phones?

Q. there is an app called graal (classic) that is only available on idevices..i was wondering if they were going to make it on android phones?

A. I'm pretty sure it's still in development.On top of that, the Android Marketplace is a rather lack-luster and dry place. Not much money is being made there due to the "open-ness" that is allowed. Granted, I love my Android and would see Graal being there as a totally positive thing, but viewed from a company's point, I can definitely see where it is an abyss of doom and destruction.

Due to the open policy of Androids Marketplace, just about anyone is able to upload and sell an App - which has led to a lot of unregulated apps that turn your phone into a paperweight (viruses, scams, keyloggers, information hacking, etc.). So right now, until Android gets it's act together, I can't say that I PERSONALLY see Graal opening up shop there.

What is keylogger on my Android and if it logs why 0 mb used?
Q. I have a keylogger on my phone. If its loggin ketstrokes then why does it say its using 0 mb of memory? what file does it save to. How to clear it?

A. Virus most likely. Download an antivirus

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