Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

What other Programming langauges should I learn?

Q. The CS Department at Hunter teaches C++ so I am getting a head start by self teaching until I spring when I start school. I already plan on learning Objective C to create apps for apple devices.

I would like to learn how to make apps for android phones. I read somewhere that Java is best for phone apps. Is this true?

As of right now I would like to be a software developer.

A. Study C++ a lil more first. C++ can generally make any type of application when you think about it. Gain an advanced in the field first then try something else. the goal isn't to learn more than one language. the goal is to be able to work comfortably in the language you use. By learning C++ you put yourself in the driver seat to learn quite a bit more programming concepts. because there are certain concepts that's the same for most programs..

for example if you program in object style:

Visual Basic .net(2010 included)

so concepts you learn in one language you can take onto another language.

Why does Telus continue to screw their customers by not providing high end phones?
Q. I just heard that Bell is getting the Atrix!! I don't understand why Telus can't see that many people are switching to other carriers because of the lack of high end phones being provided. It seems to me that telus focuses more on crappy phones cause their target are students. What about the rest of us who want a good android phone as soon as it comes out just like Bell and Rogers have been doing lately? Anyone???? I'm so frustrated!!!!

A. The HTC Desire HD is coming to Telus within the next 2 weeks. The HTC Desire they have now is a VERY powerful phone. Its also only 6 months old, and if you look @ Techradars top 15 devices of 2010, the Desire is #1. its a great phone. Superb build quality and HTC sense is great. Expect nothing less from the Desire HD too.

There is no other phone like the Atrix right now. So yeah, no other carrier is going to have it.

BUT, fret not. AT&T, Telus, Rogers and Bell all use the exact SAME frequencies. You could always buy an atrix outright, unlock it (Code costs between 15-20 bucks online), and then just insert your SIM card.

Problem solved :)

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