Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

What android phone should is good to these standards?

Q. an up to date touch screen w/ optional keyboard text.
are there any phones out there like this anymore? are they all 100% touch screen now?
i say android because im with T.Mobile. can android phones be jailbroken like iphones so I can be able to down apps for free?
an android phone I can slip my sim card and and start using right away w/o paying for internet

A. Ok... So... To the first question:

a) About the keyboard in latest phones.... Well that is definitely a tough one! But there are still a few options available. These are some of them that are relatively up to date... ( I interpreted an up to date phone (android) as one that is running on android Ice cream sandwich 4.0.x or higher with a fair hardware power) :

- Samsung Galaxy Chat B5330:

- Samsung Galaxy Stratosphere II I415:

- LG Mach LS860:

- Motorola Photon Q 4G LTE


b) Yes, android phones can be ROOTED (root = jailbreak for android, to make it simple), BUT you don't need to root your phone in order to be able to download *free* apps ( *cough google search for "alternatives to google play store" cough *).

You won't be able to use data connection in a phone if you are not paying for that service to some carrier.
In order to be able to use any SIM card in your phone ( from different carriers) your phone has to be carrier unlocked, means that you did not buy it subsidized by any carrier via a contract. If your phone is carrier locked, you can still root it to unlock it or sometimes the carriers will let you pay some fee for them to unlock it via IMEI .

Hope this was helpfull! sorry if I didn't explain myself vastly but I'm in a hurry hehe! Good luck finding your phone!

Is there an Android phone that is similar to a Blackberry like the Motorola Droid Pro?
Q. My father likes Blackberry-style phones and needs it for business. What's a good Android phone that can be purchased used for fairly cheap below $100?


A. there is the htc status i love it kinda similer to blackberry with it keyboard and its feature is that it has a touch screen

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