Rabu, 02 April 2014

iPhone or Android phone?

Q. Okay, so it is time for an upgrade...and this time I am finally going to get soem sort of smart phone with at&t, Thing is, I don't know whether I should get an iphone or an android. I was first planning on getting an iphone, but then I realized that I already have the newest update of the ipod touch, which is practically the same thing without the phone...so it is like getting the same thing. And if I got an iphone, I willl not be putting music on it because I will still be using my ipod. So, is it worth it?
So, then I started looking at android phones, and I noticed they were a lot more customizable which is really nice, but are the phones really reliable and a good quality and will last very long??
So, basically.....what do you think....iphone or android??
thanks :)

A. any top android phone,


I prefer android over apple for the reason that its open-source, that means that the majority of the apps are free, and you get more revolutionary and cutting edge apps.
the android market already has 250000 apps- closing in on apple 500000, some say it will surpass it before the year is over. and only the oldest of android phones cant use the latest apps, like 2008, and earlier (those are also the one that freeze sometimes, not the new ones) and whose to say the iPhone doesn't freeze either?

both Iphone and android offer equal security, though they have different means of doing it.
iphone, verifies all the apps so you cant get a virus through an app, but the rest of the phone is semi-vulnerable.
Android does not check the apps, but the apps are run in a isolated way, as to not affect the system in event of a virus.
so both phones are equally prone to viruses (and if this a big deal for you, android has a antivirus app, which iphone does not)

other reasons for android
turn-by-turn GPS
better and larger screen
no need to connect to computer to sync
heres a big one, add a sd card
better calls
more customizable
more powerful hardware
flash support, watch ALL the online videos

Also apple never invents anything, all they do is steal old technology, give it a fresh coat of paint and mass advertise it as �magical� and �innovating�, thus fooling the mass of the population into believing that apple offers cutting edge technology, that in fact has been around for quite a few years.

Is there an Android phone with a hardware keyboard?
Q. I'm getting continually more frustrated with my Blackberry Curve. It works fine, for the most part, but I'm realizing how truly far behind Blackberry is. Then I was on the receiving end of the recent outage and I think that's the final straw for me. I've stubbornly resisted any touch screen, mainly because I don't want to give up a hardware keyboard. Its really important to me. Are there any Android phones that are old-school enough to still have one?
I should also mention I'm on Verizon.

A. Yeah the Motorola Droid 1,2 and 3 have a slide out keyboard and a touchscreen (hardware keyboards are so much nicer than touchscreen keyboards, however the touchscreen is always nice). These phone are on the Verizon network which is an awesome provider

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