Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

How to get ROMs working for an Android Emulator?

Q. So I was trying to get an Emulator ROM to work on my Android phone. CoolRom has the ROMs but apparently I need a BIOS file for my phone in most Android emulators. In short, I can't get ROMs to work for my Android phone. Any help?

A. go to XDA forum to download the roms

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How to download Pokemon Red or Blue Emulator on my PC?
Q. I want to download a pokemon game on my pc. I already downloaded one on my android phone, but if someone could please post a link to a good emulator and rom, or at least give me step by step instruction on how to get pokemon on my pc, i would really appreciate it. Thanks.

A. hit youtube for this they have HUNDREDS of pokemon Emu's vids telling you how to download them and even give you the links and some give you walkthroughs of how to set it up but basicly its a no brainer set up

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